Bedroom Makeover Tips (Refreshing Your Space)


So you can finally give your bedroom the makeover it’s been waiting for. But where do you begin? Here are some tips to get you started.

Declutter Typically, individuals prioritize adorning communal areas in their residences over their bedrooms. However, considering the bedroom is a space visited daily, it should embody your identity, provide equilibrium, evoke happiness, and serve as a sanctuary after a long day.

Pick Your Design Style - Do you ever wonder what your style is for your home? Here’s a hot tip: Go to Pinterest and start pinning 50-100 rooms that you LOVE. Don’t type anything into the search bar, look at the photo and the elements in the photo that inspire you or that you would want to “copy & paste” into your home. Once you see what you are drawn to and the commonalities in your pins, you can lean into that as a navigation tool for future purchases. If you are truly just refreshing and not starting over from scratch, you may have to be more specific with your search. 

Change the look of your walls - Changing the look of your wall can be something as simple as repainting with a new color, the same color, or being bold with wallpaper. Accent walls can be a great addition such as a wall of shelves, or something with textures like exposed brick, stone, or natural wood. 

Add accessories like a rug, potted plants, or Cove Prints Wall Art! - Choosing rugs that extend as oversized (about 70% of your room size in total). The goal is ideally to have 1-2 feet on either side of your furniture. 

Upgrade your bed - Consider upgrading your bed to a bigger size, getting a new mattress, or even a new bed frame. If things are unrealistic for you at the moment, it’s encouraged to update your bed linens! Personally that can be the best part of a bedroom makeover. Doing this can also incorporate matching or accent tones into your artwork. 

Rearrange your furniture - Try switching around your furniture. By doing this, it can help make your room feel more spacious. For example, instead of pushing your bed up against the wall, rearrange it to be in the middle of the wall. 

Neutral tones- Adopting color doesn't necessarily imply using bright shades. Embrace earthly tones. This helps add that “relaxing and balanced” aurora to your room. 

Add Scones or a bold statement pendant light - This can add a whimsical feel to your room. Utilizing lighting to create the illusion of a larger room in interior design in the case of limited floor space but a sufficiently high ceiling, you can accentuate this feature by incorporating tall, slender furniture and elevated shelves. Consider employing a lengthy pendant light suspended from above to enhance the effect. This will attract upward and downward visual focus, emphasizing the room's verticality rather than its compact floor area.

Curate Your Bedside Tables - By doing this it can be easy to get carried away. “Your nightstand is prime real estate”. It harbors the final items you grasp before retiring for the night and, the initial things you grasp upon awakening, and any soothing creams, literature, things you may require when nothing can entice you away from your cozy cocoon of blankets. Remember to keep them practical as well. Something as simple as a lamp, alarm clock, and fresh flowers. 


A bedroom makeover is an opportunity to transform your space into a personalized oasis that reflects your style and promotes relaxation. Follow these tips to create a bedroom that you'll love waking up in every morning!

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